Reading with your child
Läsa med ditt barn - engelskaThe content concerns VästerbottenLooking at books and reading together with your child is a wonderful way to be intimate to each other. You get the opportunity for good conversations. Books, storytelling and reading also help the child to hone practice their language skills. The child will have a chance to practise their imagination, creativity, concentration and will have many opportunities to learn and increase their vocabularies.

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Sit cosy, preferably with your bodies together, so that you both can visualize the pictures in the book and each other.
Own words
Tell in your own words, in your own language with pictures as support.
Let the child's interest and pace guide how you read the book. Put into words what the child finds most exciting!
Gestures and sounds
Capture the baby's gestures and sounds. When the child is older, you can also pick up the child's own words. Listen in and give the child plenty of time to answer.
Tone of voice
Play with your own voice in a fitting tone of voice. Mimic, sound like an animal, talk in a squeaky voice. Or perhaps with a bass voice? You can assign different kinds of voices or sounds to different characters in books.
Show interest
Show that you find the child's answer exciting and that you are attentive and would like to hear more. This will encourage the child.
Please feel free to exaggerate!
Exaggerating will capture the child's attention. Use your own sounds, make faces and gestures. Take breaks, especially for surprises.
Show and point
Sometimes you can point to the pictures. Then you are helping your child to focus on what is important. It will be easier to follow the story.
Tips on books, movies and podcasts
Get some good tips on books to read with your child, short film clips and a podcast which can be of help when you are involved in developing your child's language skills.