Your guide to good health

Your sexual health

Att må sexuellt bra - engelskaThe content concerns Östergötland

Sexual health depends on a number of different things. It can be about living the way you want to live. It can also be about enjoying life with other people

It can be easier to have good sexual health
if you understand how the body works.
It is important that you know what you want and what you do not want when you have sex.
It is also important that you know what the person you are
having sex with wants and does not want.
If you listen to each other and talk about what you want
and do not want, it will be easier to have safe, enjoyable sex.
If people listen to each other and talk, they will also be sure that
no one is being forced to do something that
they do not want to do.
If you are having problems related to sex or
if you want to learn more about what you can do to improve your
sexual health, you should seek help.

Important things to keep in mind for good sexual health:

  • You alone get to determine your sexuality
    and how to describe it.
  • You get to decide if you want to have sex
    and with whom you want to have sex.
  • You get to decide if and when you want children
    and how many children you want to have.
  • Learn more about sex, orgasm
    and how the body works.
  • Learn about and can protect yourself
    against diseases that you can get from having sex.

You can get help:

  • Tannefors Health Centre in Linköping
    has a clinic for advice on sex and sexual health
    All adults living in Östergötland
    can seek help there.
  • Women’s health clinic. It is a clinic for women only.
    At the Women’s Health Clinic, you get help, for example, when you are pregnant or when you need contraception.
  • The Youth Clinic. Youth clinics are clinics for those
    between 13 and 25 years of age.
    There are youth clinics in Linköping,
    Norrköping, Motala and other
    smaller towns in the county.
    At, you can read more about
    sex and sexual health.
    D You can find advice at
    The page is in Swedish, not in easy-to-read Swedish.
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