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Seek healthcare

This is 1177

Det här är 1177 - engelska

You can call the 1177 helpline if you or someone in your family is ill. You can get advice from a nurse in English or Swedish. You can call any time of day. The website provides information about health and illness.

Läs texten på svenska. is the healthcare system’s dedicated website. It is also a telephone number.

You can read more about how healthcare works in Sweden in this text.

Call 1177 for advice on healthcare

Call the 1177 helpline if you need advice when you are ill or injured.

Your call will be answered by a nurse. You can choose to speak Swedish or English. In some regions, you can also get help in other languages.

The nurse can give you advice on how to manage your condition. If necessary, they can tell you where to go for care.

For the whole family

You can also call if a child or relative is ill. There is no charge for using the 1177 hotline. You will only be charged for the cost of the call.

Call 0046 771-11 77 00 if your phone does not have a Swedish subscription or SIM card, or if you are calling from another country.

Your information is protected

You need to provide your personal identity number or coordination number when you call 1177.  This is needed so that the staff can make notes. The notes are saved.

Your personal details and what you tell us are protected by confidentiality and professional secrecy. This means that staff are not allowed to tell anyone outside of healthcare anything about you. This secrecy applies to all healthcare staff you meet, including interpreters and pharmacy staff.

Advice on health and healthcare online

The website provides information about illnesses, care and health. It also gives advice on what you can do to make you or your child feel better.

All the information on has been fact-checked by doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Finding care

You can search for and find addresses and telephone numbers for different healthcare clinics.

Choose the region you live in to get the right information. You can do this at the top of the page.

Log in with e-identification

You can also log in to  Then you can, for example, make an appointment or contact a healthcare clinic. To log in, you need an e-identification program and a Swedish personal identity number.

More content in English


You can read the content of that is available in English here. Choose a region at the top of the page to find out what applies to you.

1177 in other languages

Here is a list of other languages that the material is available in. The page is available in English.

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