
Seek healthcare

Söka vård - engelska

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  • This is 1177

    Det här är 1177 - engelska

    You can call the 1177 helpline if you or someone in your family is ill. You can get advice from a nurse in English or Swedish. You can call any time of day. The website 1177.se provides information about health and illness.

  • How to buy medicines in Sweden

    Så köper du läkemedel i Sverige - engelska

    In Sweden you need a prescription to buy some types of medicines. Find out more about how it works.

  • How healthcare works in Sweden

    Så fungerar vården i Sverige - engelska

    If you or someone in your family needs medical care, you can usually get help at a healthcare centre (vårdcentral) . Call 1177 if you are unsure where to seek care. You can choose to speak Swedish or English. The nurse who answers the 1177 helpline can also give you advice on what you can do yourself to feel better.

  • Healthcare in Sweden if you come from another country

    Vård i Sverige om du kommer från ett annat land - engelska

    In Sweden, you always have the right to emergency care. This is true even if you come from another country and become ill while you are in Sweden. How much you will have to pay depends, among other things, on which country you are from. In some cases, you have to pay the full cost yourself.

  • Care if you are an asylum seeker or do not have a permit to be in Sweden

    Vård om du är asylsökande eller inte har tillstånd att vara i Sverige - engelska

    If you are an adult asylum seeker, you have a right to receive medical and dental care that is deemed as urgent. This also applies if you are in Sweden without a permit. If you are under the age of 18, you always have the right to medical and dental care.

  • Practicalities of health care for those who have fled Ukraine

    Så fungerar vården för dig som flytt från Ukraina - engelska

    This is a guide for those who have fled the war in Ukraine. Here you will find all you need to know about health care and dental care in Västmanland County.

More content in English


You can read the content of 1177.se that is available in English here. Choose a region at the top of the page to find out what applies to you.

1177 in other languages

Here is a list of other languages that the material is available in. The page is available in English.

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