
Health reviews in Kronoberg

Hälsosamtal för 50-åringar i Kronoberg - engelskaThe content concerns Kronoberg

Book a health review at your Medical Centre. There you will be given advice on what you can do yourself for your health.

Will you be 50 this year? If so, you can come for a health review.

You will receive a letter when it is your turn.

How it works

  1. You will receive a letter from your Medical Centre when it is your turn. More information about the health review can be found in the letter. The health review is free.
  2. The Medical Centre will call you and book an appointment for you at the Medical Centre. Please tell them if you need an interpreter.
  3. The Medical Centre will send a message to you at 1177.se. The message will contain questions about your health. Please log in to 1177.se and answer the questions before your health review.

    Are you unable to log in to 1177.se? Or can you not read Swedish? In those cases, you can answer the questions at your health review instead.
  4. Please have a blood test at the Medical Centre no later than one week before your health review.

    You should not have eaten or drunk anything when you have your blood test. Do not eat or drink anything after 10 o’clock on the previous evening.
  5. Come to your health review at the Medical Centre when it is time to do so. The health review takes around one hour. 

During the health review at the Medical Centre

You will meet someone at the Medical Centre who will lead the review. This person may, for example, be a nurse.

An interpreter may also be present during the review – for example, if your Swedish is not so good.

The following will be checked at the health review: 

  • your blood pressure
  • your weight
  • your height
  • your waist measurement. 

You will also find out the results of your blood test.  

We will then talk about your answers to the questions about your health. Did you not answer the questions before your appointment? In that case, you will be given help in answering the questions at the Medical Centre.

You will be given advice about your health and help in planning what you can do yourself.

For example, you will be shown a picture called a health chart. The health chart shows how healthy your life is. You will also see what your risk is of getting certain diseases.  

After the health review you can have more support if you wish. 

Please rebook your appointment if you cannot attend

Are you unable to come to your health review? Please call the Medical Centre and rebook your appointment.  

At some Medical Centres, you can cancel your appointment online. Log in to 1177.se and use the Medical Centre’s e-services.

The e-services are only available in Swedish. 

How to improve your health

You can improve your health yourself. This will reduce your risk of getting diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Examples of things that you can do yourself: 

  • Take frequent exercise. For example, by walking or cycling. 
  • Eat healthy food. For example, vegetables, fruit and fish.
  • Don’t smoke and don’t take snuff.
  • Avoid alcohol. 
  • Get as much sleep as you need. 
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