About intellectual disability
Intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - andra språk - lättläst för barn - sydöstra sjukvårdsregionen - engelskaThe content concerns Jönköpings länIntellectual disability is often called ID.
In many cases, we cannot explain why a
person has ID.
It can be something that happened before
the person was born.
Maybe the person got sick as a baby or
when they were really young.
ID is for life.
With the right support, you can do a lot
As a person with ID, you may need more time
and more help to learn.
You may need to practice more to do new things.
Everyone is differently abled.
Sometimes, you need support from an adult.
Maybe you need help reading, writing and counting.
Maybe you need to use an aid.

At the habilitation
You and your parents can visit
habilitation to learn more about ID.
Habilitation can help you with things
that are hard.
At habilitation, you can talk to someone about how you feel,
if there is anything you need help with or if you have any