Hälsobesök på BVC vid 18 månader - engelskaThe content concerns Västra Götaland
When your child is 18 months old, you will see the nurse. You will talk about your child’s health and development, and follow up on previous discussions.
Feel free to use these images to help prepare your child for the visit
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Welcome to your 18-month visit at the BVC
Have a look at this series of pictures prior to visiting the BVC. They illustrate the various steps of the visit. It is preferable that both you and your child are prepared and familiar with what is going to happen.
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Please bring the child’s health log with you to the visit
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Sometimes you have to wait a little while. You can play in the waiting room while waiting for your turn.
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You will see a nurse
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You talk about how your child is doing, their development, and any questions you might have.
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Stack blocks
The child stacks bricks to build a tower. The nurse examines your child’s movement development.
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Your child will draw a picture with crayons. The nurse examines your child’s movement development.
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Point to body parts
Your child points to body parts, either on themselves or on a doll.
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Take off clothes
Your child will be examined without their clothes on
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Weigh and measure
The nurse will weigh your child and measure how tall they are.
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The nurse will measure your child’s head.
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The child is offered vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella. The injections are given in the leg.
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Your child will sit in your lap
As a parent, you are a source of safety to your child. During their vaccination, you’ll hold your baby in your arms. If needed, your baby can be distracted using a toy, for example. As their parent, you provide your baby with a sense of security.
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The nurse will put on a plaster after the injection has been given. If the child is sad, there will be time to comfort them.
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Questions before vaccination
If you have any questions or feel unsure about anything before your baby’s vaccination, you can talk to the nurse at your BVC.
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Vitamin D
By the time they reach 18 months of age, your baby has probably run out of vitamin D drops. Remember to ask for a new bottle of vitamin D.
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That is the end of the visit. You will be invited to the next visit, which takes place when the child turns 2.5 years old. If you feel that a visit is needed before that, this can be arranged.