Hälsobesök på BVC vid 2-8 veckor - engelskaThe content concerns Västra Götaland
When your child is between 2 and 8 weeks old, you will see the nurse at the BVC, once every week at first and then every other week depending on your needs.
Prepare for these visits by looking at the pictures
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When your baby is 2–8 weeks of age, you’ll meet with the nurse at your BVC – first each week and then every second week, according to your needs.
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During these appointments, you’ll talk about your baby and what it’s like to be a parent. You’ll also follow up on the things you’ve talked about before.
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Your baby will be examined, weighed and measured.
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When your baby is 4 weeks old, you’ll meet with both a nurse and a doctor. Your baby will be examined and you’ll have the chance to share your thoughts and to ask any questions you might have about your baby.
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When your baby is 6-8 weeks old, you’ll be offered the chance for them to receive their first dose of rotavirus vaccine. This vaccine is given in the form of sweet-tasting drops in your baby’s mouth.
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When your baby is 6–8 weeks old, the parent who gave birth to your baby will be offered an appointment with the nurse to talk about their own health after their pregnancy and delivery. If needed, they will be offered counselling sessions with a nurse or a psychologist.
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Since all children have the right to grow up free from physical, psychological and sexual violence, your BVC’s staff will ask you questions about violence in your home life.